Saturday, July 24, 2010

Never Knew I Needed..

For the way you changed my plans
For being the perfect distraction
For the way you took the idea that I have
Of everything that I wanted to have
And made me see there was something missing

For the ending of my first begin
And for the rare and unexpected friend
For the way you're something that I never choose
But at the same time something I don't wanna lose
And never wanna be without ever again

You're the best thing I Never Knew I Needed
So when you were here I had no idea
You're the best thing I never knew I needed
So now it's so clear I need you here always

My accidental happily
The way you smile and how you comfort me
I must admit you were not a part of my book
But now if you open it up and take a look
You're the beginning and the end of every chapter

Who'd knew that I'd be here
So unexpectedly
Undeniably happy
Said with you right here, right here next to me
Boy you're the...

You're the best thing I never knew
Now it's so clear I need you here always

my favourite song..
kena betul dengan situasi aku pada masa sebelum couple..
kenapalah sebelum ni tak perasan langsung..!
biasalah manusia.. bila da hilang or hampir hilang seseorang baru perasan..
baru tahu yang aku amat memerlukannya..(hee ayt poyo)
mmm.. sory dear.. saya terlambat tahu yg awk selalu ada untuk saya..
sekarang dah tau.. tak nak hilang dah..
thanks sbb selalu tunggu tanpa jemu.. hampir 5 tahun..
1 jangka masa yg agak lama..

aku dah tak nak pandang orang lain da kalau boleh..
buat ape nak pegi kat org yg belum tentu n setia dgn kita..(ckp brdasarkan pngalaman ni)
tak suke.. tak suke.. jahat betul org yg suke memainkan prasaan.. bongok! hehe
aku dah nmpak.. sape yg selalu syg,pujuk,jage.dgr aku membebel..
ade ke lelaki yg snggup buat semua ni kalu dia tak da prasaan kat aku?
jawapannyer.. mana ade.. mana ade lelaki yg nk buang masa melayan karenah aku
melainkan dia betul2 sayang.. kan3..

20 june 2010 sunday..(tak kan lupe tarikh ni)

mood:miss him so much!!


  1. yeahhh..btul2..strongly agree..
    hnye org t'tntu je cm2..huhu..~~

  2. huhu n the lucky one je dpt jmpe org2 trtentu..
    so kite kenala hargainya..

  3. hehe x hargai diri sendiri rugi..
